
Q:     How do I get transportation for my student?

A:     Eligible students are automatically routed after registration. Bus stop information will be available one week before school starts. 请访问 父母elink to find your student's specific bus stop information.


Q:   Do I have to escort my child to/from the bus stop? 

A:   Kindergarten students must be met at the door of the bus in the PM by a parent or other pre-authorized person. When an authorized person is 不 at the door to meet the kindergartner, the student will remain on the bus and be returned to the attending school for parent pick-up, 路线完成后. It is imperative to our other riders and families for our buses to stay on schedule. If someone is receiving your student other than the parent/guardian, please make sure to fill out the Kindergarten Release Form found on our 幼儿园的学生 page. 这包括哥哥姐姐. Escorting your child to/from the general transportation bus stop is 不 required for other grade levels, however it is highly recommended for first grade students, especially at the beginning of the school year. It is also highly recommended for any student who may have difficulty navigating their way to/from the bus stop.


Q:   My pick up time is 8:15 and now it is 8:25. I have been waiting since 8:20 because the bus is “usually” late. 我的公共汽车在哪里?? 他们能回来接我吗?

A:   It is imperative to our other riders and families for our buses to stay on schedule. Unfortunately, we can不 send a bus back for students who missed their bus. Please be waiting for the bus 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.



A:     As soon as we can get the request processed.  We process requests on a date received basis.



A:     Seat assignments are a positive way for the ride to be consistent and safe. This aids the driver and school staff with student management. Drivers have the authority to assign seats as they deem necessary.



A:     If you'd like to change the location of your student's bus stop due to an address change, you must contact your student's school directly.


Q:   Why can't you put a bus stop in front of my house?

A:   我们需要确定a.) if you live within the 1 mile boundary or 1-1/2 mile walk, or b.) if safety is a factor and if the requested stop is within a safe walk to your address. Unless there is a safety factor involved, stops are 不 generally closer than ½ mile apart.


Q:     Can my student ride home with a friend?

A:     在这个时候,学生可以 ride home on any route that is different from the one in which they were assigned. After school plans are 不 arranged through the transportation office. Please contact the school directly to make arrangements.


Q:     My student left personal belongings on the bus, how can I retrieve them?

A:     The bus drivers make every effort to attempt to return personal belongings to students directly, 否则他们会把他们变成迷失 & 在他们上学时发现的. Please contact the school directly to retrieve your student's items.


问:我的学生可以带滑板吗, 气球, 玻璃, 植物, large projects or any items other than their backpacks on the bus?

A:     Skateboards need to be completely enclosed in a bag. Glass or any other object that could potentially injure students, can不 be transported on the bus. Large items that can不 be safely stored on the student's lap, may 不 be transported on the bus. These objects can be very dangerous or hazardous in the event of a collision.


Q:     If my child is sick during the day, will the bus take them home early?

A:     Bus service is 不 available during the day to transport sick students home. Families must make their own arrangements to pick students up who become ill during the school day and need to go home. 另外, please do 不 send your student on the bus if they are displaying any symptoms or haven't been fever free for a minimum of 24 hours.


Q:     Can my student use any bus stop I want?

A:     No, students should use their assigned bus stops only. Please call the school directly to make after-school arrangements.



A:     所有公共汽车都装有双向收音机. The dispatch office is in communication with buses at all times.


Q:     I got home late in the PM, and can不 find my child. 学校和交通都关闭了. 我该怎么办??

A:     Your best option is to report your missing child to local law enforcement.


Q:     How do I change my child’s PM bus stop from my residence to a daycare provider?

A:     Transportation eligibility is based on residence. If your daycare provider is within your school’s attendance area and located along an existing route, 可以提供一个停止点. Please contact our office to request an alternate PM stop.


Q:     Do students receive training on what to do in an emergency?

A:     是的, emergency drills are an important part of providing safe pupil transportation and are conducted twice a year at all of our schools.